Nutrition Point

Nutrition Point is the first nutrition therapy clinic in Hong Kong that focuses on integrative therapy. It uses integrative packages to cure various health problems and provides a variety of nutritional therapy services, including body micro-element analysis and sub-health examinations, weight management, sub-health care.

Building End-to-End Chat Commerce Solution on WhatsApp

Nutrition Point is a nutrition health consultant company. Surveys suggest that 30% of Chinese, at some point in time, may experience a food insecurity issue. “Eating right” is really an on demand service via the ever-evolving digital age of app technology.
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Increase in checking speed
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Improvement in purchase conversion
chat commerce bots implemented

We helped them in developing 3 Whatsapp chat commerce bots. They have now announced, its customers will now be able to book their own chatbot or virtual nutrition advisor with 100% faster. Customers just need to click on one button to be connected with the Nutrition Point team any time of the day. Chat commerce bots are pretty handy companions when it comes to health and fitness matters.

If you want to book any plan from a Nutrition Point, the Whatsapp chat commerce bots are really handy. Chatbots have a number of other advantages. The key benefit of an answer to a query, for example, is that it can free up time for employees who are working behind the scenes on businesses to reach profiles on social media or upgrading ordering systems.

The first chatbot is for booking – the entire booking process can be completed in under a minute, including real-time connectivity with the Acity booking system – it is also linked to the Zoho invoicing booking system.

The second bot is for internal users to look for open timeslots and serves as a reminder for the booking. Previously, internal users had to search the time schedule one by one; now, they simply use Whatsapp to select the service, month, and nutrition calender, which will supply them with the available time. The checking speed is greater than 100%.

The third bot is assisting in the development of a WhatsApp shopping bot based on the customer’s past purchase history, which is a personalised shopping cart.